Passive Income with Planners: A Success Story

Note: this episode is from November 2017. Since filming this episode, we have joined forces and up-leveled the course Passive Income with Printables into what it is today - Zone of Genius Planner Girl!

🕰️ Timestamped Overview

09:09 Discovering new skills, sharing with others. Taking action.

10:13 Breaking myths: business setup doesn't require complexity.

18:54 Unexpected sale made while enjoying a trek.

21:42 Focus less on technicalities and change mindset.

23:57 Overcome mindset blocks for faster business success.

26:49 Embracing fear as a productive force.

33:11 Grateful for finding course, encouraging others to try.

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✏️ Journal Prompt

Consider a skill or hobby you currently enjoy. How could you leverage this passion into a potential source of passive income? Explore different ways to transform your skills or interests into printable and digital products for others to use and enjoy too.

📜 Transcript

Michelle Rohr [00:00:10]:

Hello, everyone, and welcome. Today, I am here with Amy Johanan, and he is actually a student of the passive income with printables course, and I'm so excited she's here because she has been through the course and has had amazing results. In fact, the way that I found out that she was a student was I was on Etsy scrolling, and I came across these beautiful printables. And I clicked on it in this beautiful store, and I think I even bought one. And then later on on Instagram, I knew then that I needed to share her story even though I've never done an interview where I was the host before. Like, this is my first time. So I'm so excited, and welcome, Amy. I am so glad you're here, and let's just get started with a little bit about you, where you were before you found the course, what was life like, and then we'll go into, more of your Etsy story.

Aimee Johanan [00:01:11]:

Okay. Great. Thanks for having me. Can I just say before we start, I'm super happy to hear that story of you stumbling across my store because at first, I thought, like, oh, my teacher has bought my printables? And I thought like you were just doing a good deed, you know, like trying to encourage me somehow. And I really I really thought that was it. And then when I sent you that message, I was like, oh, she didn't know. This is amazing. That's awesome.

Aimee Johanan [00:01:38]:

Yeah. The ultimate boost in confidence right there. Mhmm. Yes. So hi, everyone. I'm Amy, and I always dreamed of becoming a fashion designer. So this whole printables thing was not on my original plan. I always loved dressing up and putting on my mom's shoes and her scarves and feeling fabulous, and that was the direction that my life was gonna go in.

Aimee Johanan [00:02:07]:

So I busted my butt to get into the fashion industry and everything was gonna plan until I realized it wasn't for me. I was super unhappy. And it's a little bit like your story actually I looked up at the people at the very top of those fashion houses. You know, I got to the point where I was working for my idols. It was like a dream come true, but it wasn't a dream come true. It was more like a nightmare, and I didn't wanna become them. Mhmm. So I realized, okay, I have to redesign my life.

Aimee Johanan [00:02:54]:

And so then came a few years of experimentation where I would get into this cycle of, like, okay. I'm gonna start a business. I'm gonna research real good and I'm gonna put together my prototypes and I'm gonna understand my customers, and I would get into this cycle of research prototyping, customer research prototyping. I get to the point where I'd almost launch something and then sabotage the whole mission. Like, convince myself I didn't have an idea in the 1st place. Like, this is I'm deluded. This isn't gonna happen, and I'd be back to square 1. And this would happen again and again.

Aimee Johanan [00:03:36]:

Happened with a t shirts business and a shirts business. I wanted to do printed scarves at some point. That almost launched and then crumbled to pieces. And so I was at a point where I was losing my confidence. I was feeling pretty lost and I had no evidence to show that I could make anything work because I kept I kept sabotaging. And luckily at that point, you know, people say, like, the right books or the right teacher falls into your lap at the perfect moment just when you need it?

Michelle Rohr [00:04:15]:


Aimee Johanan [00:04:15]:

Yeah. I had a moment like that. I was reading Carrie's book, She Means Business, and I learned about this lady who lives in the middle of the ocean somewhere, who started this amazing Etsy store from total scratch, from nothing, and is well on her way to creating a dream life. And I just thought, wow. Oh my goodness. I have to I have to learn about this woman. Because I felt like I was there at the beginning of your story, like Mhmm. Starting from scratch.

Aimee Johanan [00:04:54]:

Didn't know what the hell I was doing. And you were starting your printables course. You just launched your printables course at that moment and it was, like, perfect timing. So I think I deliberated about it for about 5 minutes and then I was like, bye. I'm I'm like

Michelle Rohr [00:05:18]:

That is awesome. And I love the back story because I feel like everyone has a similar story where you are doing what you think you need to do, what you're supposed to do, and you're just not happy, and you just know that if you keep doing it, you're never gonna get happy. And what I tell people is I was just on this cycle of living the same day over and over, and then I woke up and I realized it was the same year twice and that it was just mediocre. And I think I was talking to someone yesterday, and she was like, you're lucky it was only 2 years of mediocrity. Some people go decades. And I was like, it was probably 2 years of depression, like, without even realizing it. Just not just sewing up and being like a robot to get through the day and to punch all the buttons. It's depressing.

Michelle Rohr [00:06:08]:

And it's like it's I'm so glad that you read the book and took action because it was in the moment. It was probably just like a little spark thinking, oh, maybe I can do that too. But now, if you follow it just like in the book, it says Michelle Rohr followed her niggle of an idea. Yeah. It turned into a completely different life. So even though I can see it, you can feel so trapped and stuck and chained down, it's like it's an illusion that it's hard to, you know, it's a it's an illusion to think that it is that you're stuck because all you have to do is take follow one little spark of inspiration and take a little step and just start to break free. And I'm so glad that you did that because I feel like I feel like you are, I keep saying you're late. You're like a different version of me, but on steroids because you're

Aimee Johanan [00:07:02]:

just terrifying.

Michelle Rohr [00:07:07]:

So let's get let's, we pretty much covered what attracted you to the course. And,

Aimee Johanan [00:07:13]:

well yeah. If I could just do one more thing on that. So, what you said there about following that spark, I think that's really critical. For me it was just a spark of curiosity. It was like, oh, okay. She started something from nothing and has achieved such a may you have achieved such amazing things in the last couple of years. I have to learn more about her. And then it was your story actually that really hooked me in because I read your story about living the same year twice, and it was a mediocre year.

Aimee Johanan [00:07:48]:

And I had shivers down my spine because I was like, oh, this is exactly what I'm doing now. Yeah. And you are the one who showed me the the world of principles. I before I discovered you and your business, I had no idea that this world existed. And you showed me and all the others who took the course how to take things that we were already doing, like to do lists and planning out our days, getting organized, figuring out what the hell we wanna do with our lives, and habit tracking. I've been drawing my own mini habit tracking kits and, like, I I have actually my first one here if you'd like to see. Mhmm. Which all handmade.

Aimee Johanan [00:08:42]:

You can see That's beautiful. My mind. There's basically nothing on this tracker apart from I did my spots. That's all I'm interested in in the first private tracking. So you showed us how to take all those things and turn them into a business without having to be the shiny expert who knows everything. You know? So that that actually is what really attracted me to the course.

Michelle Rohr [00:09:09]:

And I think it's so interesting because you had no pre idea about making printables and selling printables. It's like you didn't come to this with an already established skill set around printables. You were just using it for yourself and realize you could just take something you were already doing for yourself Yeah. And share it with other people. And I just love that part because as we go through this interview, everyone, we're gonna go through blocks and what could be holding you back because, like I said, it's all an illusion. Yes. Okay. So, my next question for you is how quickly were you able to take action on what you learned? So you took the course, and so many people buy courses and

Aimee Johanan [00:09:56]:


Michelle Rohr [00:09:56]:

Take courses and try to work through all the material, but turning it into reality is a completely different step. And I want you to share how you were able to go from the course to actually having your Etsy shop because I think you did it really well and really quickly.

Aimee Johanan [00:10:13]:

Oh, thanks. Well, actually, I'm one of those people who buys courses and then does the course and then, you know, like crickets and, tumbleweeds kind of roll fast. And it it's actually I was actually going through your course that I realized, like, okay, wow, this is really simple actually. Like I said before, I had this habit of really overcomplicating things. I told myself that it was really hard to make a business and it's really hard to do well, it is actually really hard to set up a fashion business, and you showed me that it was simple. Like, as long as I follow the steps, I can set up an Etsy store today. I don't need a massive investment. I don't need lots of crazy equipment or materials.

Aimee Johanan [00:11:08]:

As long as I have a computer and an Internet connection, I can click on to Etsy and start a store. And so that, like, really there were just you just sort of broke down all the barriers. So I had no excuses in the end.

Michelle Rohr [00:11:22]:

I took away all your excuses.

Aimee Johanan [00:11:24]:

Yeah. You did. You don't you don't need any fancy stuff. If you have a computer and an Internet connection, you can start.

Michelle Rohr [00:11:31]:

Mhmm. So you were able to just go through the material and it was just a matter of doing what I was telling you to do, basically. Yeah.

Aimee Johanan [00:11:40]:

Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. And one thing I do wanna touch on though is that I was also aware of my own blocks. The things that I was using as excuses not to move forward or things I could use as excuses not to move forward. And I made sure I, like, I I kind of as I started the course, I promised myself I'm gonna do everything this woman tells me to do

Michelle Rohr [00:12:06]:

and That's a great mindset.

Aimee Johanan [00:12:07]:

Something has to work. Right? And I didn't have a blog or an email list, and that was one of my excuses in the beginning. I was like, well, will this work for me? I don't have these things. But I thought, okay. No. I'm just gonna dive in anyway, and you teach us how to use Pinterest to get started. And it's a much quicker process than, say, building up Instagram or Facebook or any of those things. You you can actually get going really fast.

Aimee Johanan [00:12:38]:

And I just did exactly what you told me to do and still to this day, I don't have a block. I need to start 1. And, yeah, I've managed to get something off the ground just by following all the other steps that you you laid out.

Michelle Rohr [00:12:54]:

Yeah. And before we were talking before we started this interview, I was remarking on how your graphics are at such a high level. Like, the quality is amazing. It's, like, 10 times better than what I make for myself. And I've actually hired Amy to redo all my graphics, so that is so much fun. I'm loving what she's creating. But I wanted to ask you, Amy. It's like well, you told me that you didn't even really use Photoshop before this course, and I teach people how to use PicMonkey, which is a free tool, and you put you can put images together that give you results.

Michelle Rohr [00:13:33]:

Because up to this point, all my images remain on PicMonkey, and my store had is almost at $50,000 in sales. So it's like you still don't need everything to thank you. You still don't need everything to be, like, Photoshop quality, but at the same time, it's like, yes. I'm at a point where I I'd be crazy not to just hire someone who can make it even better for me. But you started out that way, and you didn't even really use fill this out before you came to the course. So can you tell us what, you know, because other people might be thinking that that's a block, but, like, tell us your story.

Aimee Johanan [00:14:08]:

That's a good point actually. So before I started the course, I had the Adobe suite. I bought an old version when I was a student at fashion school because I thought, okay, I'm a designer so I need this stuff. And I was just I was terrified of it and terrified of computers, and I just put it aside and it got dusty and nothing, you know, didn't touch it. And it was actually through your course that I realized, oh, actually, I don't need to know how to use all the complicated features of Adobe Suite to do this. Like, for printables, I need to know how to write some text and make some tables and lines. And for the images, it's the same. I need to know how to write some text and place an image, make it bigger or smaller, and maybe add some shadow.

Aimee Johanan [00:15:02]:

Like, that's it. Right? That's I mean, I'm I'm oversimplifying maybe, but I realized through doing the course, I don't need to know the fancy stuff. And that was also a way for me to remove my blocks and just dive in. And for sure, in the beginning, my images were a lot rougher around the edges, and there's been a bit of experimentation. And my shop has been through, I don't know, maybe, like, 4 or 5 different makeovers where I do the images and think, this is great, and then wake up 2 days later and be like, this is terrible. So it's been a learning process for sure, but I didn't start out knowing what I was doing and this is has not been a 5 year long process either. It's been a couple of few months.

Michelle Rohr [00:15:51]:

So Mhmm. Yeah. Yes. Because when was it that you started your Etsy store?

Aimee Johanan [00:15:56]:

It was, May. So it's now coming up to 6 months since I saw.

Michelle Rohr [00:16:02]:

And the course came out in March, I think.

Aimee Johanan [00:16:08]:


Michelle Rohr [00:16:08]:

So you were, like, up and running.

Aimee Johanan [00:16:11]:

Yeah. Well, I mean, I sometimes I think why didn't I start almost immediately? And I think the reason is I was just I was just having to get over my own resistance, my own stuff. That was it wasn't the technical steps because you had so clearly laid those out for us. It's just it came down to the mindset stuff, the feeling not deserving or, like, the feeling that, oh, I don't want maybe I can't do it. Maybe Michelle's the only person who can do this. You know? And it was just getting over myself and just being like, do it. Just do everything she tells you to do and try it and see what happens.

Michelle Rohr [00:16:53]:

And that's so interesting because I knew I know that it's all mindset. Yeah. Because I and I I think I said that in the course like my journey of like the first two years, almost 2 years of making almost no money on Etsy to suiting up to $2,000 a month consistently. The only difference what yes. I created a new product. Yes. I took specific action that would give me results. But but what what created that creation was a mindset shift.

Michelle Rohr [00:17:29]:

And it was that was all it was. It was a mindset shift. And it's almost like, can I really make someone have a mindset shift? And because the way it happens, it's like percolating in your background of your subconscious, and then all of a sudden it just explodes, and you can't force it. You can't time it. But I can still tell people, this is what I went through, and I think I have it in the workbook. I have a section where it says a list of a list of qualities that were going on in my life before I had the mindset shift and what life was like after. And, like, this is what it looks like to have a mindset shift, and this is what happened for me.

Aimee Johanan [00:18:09]:

Yeah. Which includes the moment where you realize that you couldn't you could do this. You could make Yes. A living through selling your printables online. Yeah.

Michelle Rohr [00:18:18]:

Yes. And you also had a mindset shift, and it's a wonderful story. So tell us about that.

Aimee Johanan [00:18:24]:

Yeah. Okay. So I got started, and I just thought, okay. I'm just gonna do it. I'm gonna give it a go. And, of course, in the beginning, there's you know, I I was getting a sale, like, once every 3 weeks or something. So I was still thinking I was still maybe waiting for this thing to prove itself to me in a way or waiting for myself to prove something. You you know what I mean? Mhmm.

Aimee Johanan [00:18:54]:

And I had a moment where I was I was in Italy with my partner, Matteo. He's from the Italian Alps, and we were visiting his family. We took a trek up this amazing mountain one day, and I was fully expecting nothing to happen, because, you know, I'm not tending to my business. I'm on holiday. I'm doing my thing. And I remember on the way down from this mountain, this amazing trek, I switched on my data on my phone just to check my emails, and I saw I'd made a sale. Like, I had made £4 while I was walking up this incredible mountain, taking in these views and the fresh air and, like, taking pictures of flowers. And I didn't have to physically labor over anything to to make that sale.

Aimee Johanan [00:19:56]:

And, like, it's in a way, it's just £4, but in another way, it's just it's so much more than that. It was at that moment that actually both me and my partner, we were like, oh, this is incredible. We could be making money while we're having fun. Like, this completely changes everything I believed before about what it takes to make a living. Mhmm. The mindset shift. Yeah. Definitely.

Aimee Johanan [00:20:26]:

The mindset shift around that. Around the whole making money is hard and difficult and you've got to really suffer to do it. And this felt like this felt totally opposite. It was fun. I enjoyed making these products. The person on the other end was really happy. I didn't have to physically hand her anything. I remember her name was Joan and I was like, oh, this is amazing.

Aimee Johanan [00:20:50]:

I've got a donor card or something for supporting my store. So, yeah, that that's when the moment when, like, everything shifted. I realized, okay, if I really focus and make this work, this could be amazing. Mhmm.

Michelle Rohr [00:21:06]:

I think and that is the shift where it's like you get to that moment where you're like, okay. What if I really took this seriously?

Aimee Johanan [00:21:13]:


Michelle Rohr [00:21:15]:

That is interesting. Mhmm. Well, my next question for you is, what do you feel helped you most from the course? Because, there are I try to keep it as simple as possible, but there's all there is different pieces to it. And so what do you feel like was the the defining piece of help where you just felt like because of that, you were able to succeed and move forward?

Aimee Johanan [00:21:42]:

No. I think that I can't speak for everybody, but I'm sure a lot of us I certainly had a habit of focusing too much on the tactics or the technicalities, the tiny tiny details thinking, like, if I just know that, then I'm gonna be able to do this. But it actually wasn't any of that, I don't think. I mean, all of this, the steps that you take us through are super useful. Like, you don't even have to think. You just have to follow Michelle's steps, and you will have a business at the end of this call, which is amazing. But I think the biggest thing was changing my mind about starting a business, that it doesn't have to be super hard, that there is a way to do something you enjoy and to use the sort of skills and the things that you're already doing to to connect with other people around the world and to, yeah, start making money. Yes.

Aimee Johanan [00:22:45]:

I think it's because

Michelle Rohr [00:22:47]:

yeah. That's what I'm passionate about because I feel like I can look at someone and be like, you need to monetize yourself. Yeah. Like, you don't need to go back to school. You need to get that certificate. You just need to take the skills you already have, get past your blocks, and put it out there, and your life would be completely different. And I believe that so much because that's exactly what I did. Like, everything that makes me money now were skills I had even while I was living the same year twice and fighting mediocrity.

Michelle Rohr [00:23:18]:

It was like I always had those things inside of me. It was but but it still took time to get to the point where I was making money because it took me that long to get past my own blocks. And Yeah. It's funny. The real work is not applying the technical stuff, not not even opening up an Etsy store. The real work is getting past yourself and getting over yourself. And, I feel like that's what I really want people to get out of the courses I create is this is simple. Like, let's not there's already enough stumbling blocks in front of you from you just having blocks, mental blocks.

Michelle Rohr [00:23:57]:

Like, let's not let's not create more blocks. Let's not add more obstacles. Let's just, you know, deal with the mindset mindset, blocks that you have right now because that's the only thing stopping you. It's not a lack of skills. It's not a lack of a degree. It's not a lack of even a lot it's not even a lack of I have no idea how to use Photoshop, and I still don't. But it so it's like just the faster you can get past those blocks, the faster you can have a successful business, and I feel like that is exactly what Amy has done, and that's why she has that her biggest takeaway is that it was about getting past blocks because if I'm looking at Amy and I'm like, why in the world did she get to success so quickly? Yes. She applied what she learned, but she also just was like, I know I have blocks, and I'm not going to give them the time of day.

Michelle Rohr [00:24:52]:

Well, maybe you thought about it a little, but you're like, no. No. I don't need a blog. Just get started. And speaking And I also just oh, go ahead.

Aimee Johanan [00:25:02]:

Before we get on to the blog stuff, It isn't actually it's not just a moment where you get over your blocks either. Like, I realized I started becoming aware of all the moments when I would try to convince myself out of it or, like, procrastinate my time away. Like, I had to in order to do what I promised I would do, which was to to take every single one of the steps that you had laid out and put them into action, I had to push past those moments and I still have to do that every single day.

Michelle Rohr [00:25:37]:


Aimee Johanan [00:25:37]:

Like that, getting control over myself and my my own mind and my own willpower, this has been the biggest thing for me is going like, oh, I would find my every step, every step of the way, I I had these moments. Like, starting an Etsy store. Oh, I don't know what to call myself. Oh, maybe I'll make a cup of tea instead. Or, like, you know, I could be like, okay. Choose a name. Just choose a name. Or it'll be making Etsy images.

Aimee Johanan [00:26:06]:

Well, I don't really know what I want them to look like. Okay. This is a block. We have to move past it. Like, every step of the way, there's been a block where I would much rather go and make a cup of tea, and I have to get myself past those in order to make progress and I still have to do that every single day and Mhmm. I'm sure for the rest of my life. Mhmm. It's Well, yeah.

Aimee Johanan [00:26:28]:

It's it's something I have

Michelle Rohr [00:26:29]:

to go through every time now, but it's like I know what it is. Yes. It's it's like, well, people call it the resistance. Yes.

Aimee Johanan [00:26:37]:


Michelle Rohr [00:26:37]:

can be blocked and it's like, you know, like, I think was it you that told me you also read Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert?

Aimee Johanan [00:26:46]:

I I have read it, but I don't think we spoke about that.

Michelle Rohr [00:26:49]:

Well, it seems like everyone's read it. And I think Elizabeth Gilbert is the one that brought up how fear is something that's always there, and you just have to have a relationship with it. You know? One that is productive, where it's like, hi, Fear. I know you're there. You show up every time, but I'm in the driver's seat, so let's let's just get on with it. So it's like every single time even doing this interview with you, I'm like, this is the first time I'm interviewing somebody. Have a little freak out moment and then do it and then it's like, oh, okay. I can do this again.

Michelle Rohr [00:27:23]:

But it's

Aimee Johanan [00:27:23]:

like It's the moment that you feel the fear that you it's getting past that moment is where you're gonna see the progress. Yes. So it's a good sign actually if you're resisting it and you're like, I don't wanna do this. It means you need to do it.

Michelle Rohr [00:27:37]:

Yeah. And that's a fantastic way to to get through blocks is when you feel the resistance and you feel the fear and you feel the self doubt. Don't take it as a sign of, oh, I can't do this. I shouldn't do this. It doesn't feel good. Take it as a sign of you're on the right track because the more you push through that over and over and over again, the more your life becomes what you want. And it's a funny thing. It's like the path to your dream life is doing things that scare the crap out of you.

Michelle Rohr [00:28:09]:


Aimee Johanan [00:28:11]:


Michelle Rohr [00:28:13]:

Anyways, that was wonderful. I'm glad we covered that because I know no matter how wonderful a course is, if someone doesn't know that that's gonna pop up, those fear moments, then it's, you you know, it it that's what it all comes down to. So let's cover what were your results because I am so blown away. I like, I keep telling you, it's like, it took me 2 years to get to where you are now. You know that. Right? Yeah. So I cover your results with your Etsy store.

Aimee Johanan [00:28:44]:

As I said, my store has been through many makeovers in this time. It's not recognizable from the moment that you even purchased something. But even then, I was like, this is amazing. Yeah. I do think so. So, yeah, I have just passed the 200 sales mark, which I'm super happy about. Yeah. I managed to reach that before the before the 6 month mark.

Aimee Johanan [00:29:10]:

And I'm up to, about 1 and a half 1000 followers on Pinterest, where I I started with, I think, 30. Wow. People following me on Pinterest.

Michelle Rohr [00:29:23]:

That's amazing.

Aimee Johanan [00:29:25]:

Yeah. And it's all just through following your steps on the course. I haven't haven't done anything fancy.

Michelle Rohr [00:29:31]:

That is amazing. And where what is your vision moving forward? Because I feel like you have so much momentum and you're you're, like, at this point where it's like, wow. What if I really made this something big? Like, what is do you have a big vision for this?

Aimee Johanan [00:29:45]:

Yeah. I mean, well, actually, I have, like, 10,000 visions. I think this is one of the big things Doing this course has kind of cracked open all those barriers, and I've gained so much confidence through the process. I just have a million ideas for products that I want to launch, kits that I want to make, and not just printables either. Like this has really opened the doors in terms of, okay, well, what else can I do with my skills? Like, how else can what other Etsy stores can I open or creative market stores or and I'm having to almost discipline myself to just focus on your one Etsy store for now, grow that first, and, Yeah, the sky's the limit after that? I have so many ideas for stores that I want to create and yeah.

Michelle Rohr [00:30:35]:

Well, I secretly hope you open some kind of fashion Etsy store because I remember being on your your Instagram and finding this beautiful kimono type robe and being like, do

Aimee Johanan [00:30:45]:

you show these? Yeah.

Michelle Rohr [00:30:48]:

What about those?

Aimee Johanan [00:30:49]:

Businesses I sabotaged early on so

Michelle Rohr [00:30:51]:

But it's like that was beautiful and it's like no don't don't spread yourself thin in the beginning. Like, make one thing successful at a time. But it's like, you definitely have something there as well. Well, of course, you do. You came from the fashion industry. And I think it's just about making it the way you want it instead of trying to fit yourself in a mold and just having the business feel good to you.

Aimee Johanan [00:31:16]:

I think I think you're right. Like, realizing I've realized through this process that I can design my own business the way I want it to be, and it can feel good. And, yeah, I do have in mind, at some point, it'd be great to have a physical products business. And in the meanwhile, these businesses are a great way to do something I love and I enjoy and I get lot of fulfillment out of and build up some capital because let's face it, it costs some money to make a to make a Yes. Yes. It's also an amazing way to to sort of, I guess, like, cut my teeth a little bit before I launch into something else. But, yeah, I mean, the sky's the limit actually at the moment. It's I've got 10,000 ideas that I wanna that I wanna create because you can probably relate, right?

Michelle Rohr [00:32:06]:

Yeah. Well, I'm so excited excited for you. I think that I'm just gonna practically be sitting on the side with a box of popcorn watching your your success. It's like I'm just enjoying it. Like, every time I come around, I'm like, she's added more products. She's made more sales. She passed the 200 mark. And I tell everyone about you.

Michelle Rohr [00:32:27]:

She's like, this girl, she went for my course, and she's she's having so much success, and I just knew I needed to interview you because I feel like if people can hear your story as someone who actually went through the course and where you came from and where you are now, then more people can have, like, enjoy the the breakthroughs and the success that you have, which I feel is, you know, like, it's it just gives people hope. Like, I think more people need to have hope because it really at the end of the day, it's like, that's it? That's all I had to do to, like, break out of that self sabotage, to break out of those years of feeling like I wasn't doing anything with myself? And it's like, I just want more people to have that. So thank you so much for coming on this interview.

Aimee Johanan [00:33:11]:

Thank you so much. No. Thank you. I'm so happy to have found you and your world and your course. And I think to anyone who's on the fence, I would just say be open to what you can do with what you have already. If you have a computer and you have an Internet connection and you make to do lists every day like most of us, then you could start a business. You could start a printable business and just give it a try. Mhmm.

Aimee Johanan [00:33:40]:


Michelle Rohr [00:33:40]:

Yep. Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. That's literally all I do every day.

Aimee Johanan [00:33:47]:

And, it's all you need to do.

Michelle Rohr [00:33:49]:

So, anyway, thank you so much, Amy. And, thank you everyone for watching. I will see you again in another interview, hopefully.

Aimee Johanan [00:34:03]:



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