The Story of My Million Dollar Office

When I moved into my previous home in Miami, there was a room in the house that I knew I wanted to turn into my office.

At first, we made do with the furniture from our previous home, but it was ill-suited for the space and I knew I wanted to make this chapter in my life a season of saying yes to my desire to really DESIGN a beautiful home.

I had spent months watching hundreds of interior design videos on Youtube and it was my time to SHINE.  

It was still scary, however, to unwrap the beautiful wallpaper I had ordered from Etsy and commit to figuring out how to put it up the very day I received it - instead of tucking it away in a closet to deal with “later”.

And it was still uncomfortable to get rid of the old "perfectly fine" furniture and spend money on a brand new, bright and airy desk system that would work so much better for the space.

It was scary to keep saying “yes”, “yes”, “yes”!

But I knew that if I wanted to welcome in the next evolution of myself, my finances, and my life, I had to let go of what didn't serve that next expression of me and say yes to being fully supported by my environment. 

I wanted my home to “speak” back to me: “You can have what you want just because you want it. It is safe.”

It was a new chapter in my life. I had just quit doing client work and was going full time into selling online courses. I also had a toddler and a new born baby. And I was the sole income provider. Moving forward at this stage, I could either build my business from a place of burning the candle at both ends or I could learn how to deeply honor the heck out of my body, mind, and spirit and let my business flourish as the byproduct.

The former approach would have been a trauma-based default mode. The latter approach would require a whole new level of inner healing and growth.

I had grown so much since committing to take 100% responsibility for my life back in 2012, but now I was equipped with a new understanding of what that meant. I was ready to take 100% responsibility for my ability to ground myself in my self-worthiness.

No more self-sacrifice.

No more self-denial.

No more making do.

I'd like to think that I've always sought out beauty - even in the times when it was difficult. But my efforts were tainted with the idea that I only deserved a certain amount of beauty. A certain amount of abundance. A certain amount of self-care. And that once I reached a certain threshold, which wasn't very much, a voice would say “Ok, that's enough good stuff for you. Go back to working. Go back to earning. You don't deserve the rest yet.”

This voice was getting in the way of the fact that I wanted to become a millionaire. I realized there was no reason for me not to be a millionaire! I had everything I needed. So do you.

It was time to let go of thinking that I had to earn it and start acting like I already deserved it.

And that's the thought that guided me when I up-leveled my office. I wanted my office to "shout" to me loud and clear: You're a millionaire!

I knew that if I expected myself to sit down at my desk and create courses that could bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars, then I needed my space to reflect that energy.

I wanted it to be beautiful.


Free of clutter.

I wanted to FEEL like a millionaire every time I sat down in front of my computer.

I wanted money to know that it was welcome here.

That I was ready.

That I could have what I wanted just because I wanted it.

And I wanted to make a million.

And you know what? From the day that I first walked into that office, to the day, less than 3 years later, that I walked out of it for the very last time, I did it. I made a million.

And the funny thing is, I passed the million dollar mark right on by without even noticing at first. And when I stopped to do the math, it was actually anti-climatic. 

Because reaching a million in sales didn't change how I felt. Because I felt the way the millionaire me would feel ALREADY. I had already been embodying the feeling of making a million before it ever happened - with the help of my "Million Dollar Office". And THAT is what helped me welcome in the million.

P.S. The funny thing is, it didn't even cost that much to remodel my office. Just a few hundred dollars to get the wallpaper from Etsy and the desk system from IKEA. How often do we "make do" with what doesn't fully support us rather than figuring out how to come up with and invest the few hundred dollars it would take to have a dramatically better environment? An environment that would SUPPORT us in our power to create so much more wealth. We are capable of saying yes to honoring ourselves and figuring it out.

This article is a taste from the 30 Day Abundance Adventure!

The Abundance Adventure is an immersive 30 day journey that is based on how I personally help my brain detox from scarcity thinking and open the door to the next level of wealth. 


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