April Life + Free Printable

This month, I have something different for you. Don't worry, the Hello Mid-Month printable will be back in May.

This new printable is something I created earlier this month, but haven't really promoted it TILL NOW. :)

It's a 2016 Wish List.

If you have a problem downloading this printable, you can email me directly at michellerohr@gmail.com

I want you to reconnect with what you want to achieve this YEAR - big and small goals. I think it's important to do this often - not just in January - because as we go through different seasons of life and refine and define our values more and more, our goals WILL shift. AND HEY, WE ARE ALREADY ALMOST 1/3 OF THE WAY THROUGH THIS YEAR! WHAT?!?!

So use this printable to see where you stand now. Set goals that you really want to see happen - don't just rewrite old ones for the heck of it - make sure that everything you write down on this printable are things that make you excited.

And now, an update on life happenings so far...

I got my logo done! AND ordered stickers and business cards with it. :)

(I'm the girl in the black pants in the photo on the right)

Basically the past 30 days have been full of meeting new people, making new friends, cooking good food, and enjoying life more. This was one of my goals. Mission accomplished. :)

Here I am with my younger brother at a potluck. I made a pretty awesome taco salad, though I do say so myself. MmmMmMmM

I wanted to start growing herbs and vegetables on our balcony and so far I have oregano and basil growing! I also have green onions growing in a cup of water that I'm ready to plant. Just need to get another pot and more dirt...

One of the things I've wanted to do more is enjoy the fact that I live on an island more, so I've been spending alot more time at the beach - even going out in the evening with my roomates for a picnic by the ocean.

Here we are enjoying a night dancing to SALSA MUSIC! That night we were having a casual dinner party at our home with some friends and afterwards we turned on some salsa music and before we knew it, we all went out to go dancing. #spontaneousawesomeness :) 

I learned how to make LOX - salmon cured with salt and other seasonings. Apparently it's something that fisherman used to do to keep the fish from spoiling. They would bury the salmon in the sand and the salt would cure the fish. It tastes amazing and the salmon ends up lasting longer because you only eat a little bit at a time (it's that tasty).

I've been getting better and better at getting up early so I've started sitting on the balcony to read and plan my day.

And I made bread!

For the lox I made this week, I used the following seasonings:

- basil (from my balcony garden!)

- oregano (from my balcony garden!)

- lemon zest

- dill

- salt

- fennel seed

- pepper

- sugar

(I posted the whole process on snapchat by the way, so follow me! :) Username: michellerohr)

The picture on the right is what I had for breakfast. It's eggs with lox on top with capers and green onion (that I'm growing in a cup of water) and passion fruit! :)

On the business side of things, I'm setting the date for my next blog workshop here on Guam, getting interviewed on several webinars, taking care of clients, growing my network marketing biz and massively organizing my finances. I even went to the university here to teach a class on how I've built a passive income with my online business!

A big milestone that I hit this month was passing 1000 sales on Etsy! When I started selling on Etsy, I had no concept of how in the world people were making that many sales. Now everything seems possible and I have such big plans for The Secret O.W.L. Society. :)

Life LatelyMichelle Rohr