30 Day Abundance Adventure

30 Day Abundance Adventure


The Abundance Adventure is exclusively available inside of Say Yes to Desire.

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Here’s a taste of the Abundance Adventure


Michelle Rohr

Hi there! I’m Michelle - founder of The Secret O.W.L. Society and creator of The Abundance Adventure.

On August 25, 2011, I started listening to a book called Money, and the Law of Attraction. At the time, I was just a couple months into breaking out of a deep emotional and financial rut. 

It was the first book I’d ever read that talked about money in an unabashedly metaphysical way. It helped me start to understand the degree to which I had fallen for the lie of β€œjust work harder” when the progress I was seeking existed on the other side of internal alignment - not external effort.

I went to work on my inner world like never before. Sure, effort in the β€œreal world” still played a role, but now it was the byproduct of being in alignment with my intuition instead of working against it. That’s the key I was looking for and I know this journal will help you find that key as well so that you can unlock all the abundance that is yours to claim, and open the door to money. 


I've finished the 30 Day Abundance Adventure and absolutely loved it!

Yesterday, I noticed my thoughts starting to spiral, as they often do when business is slow. I took to my journal and had a chat with my tarot cards. What came through was that I needed to finish writing my next book and stop worrying about the money. I have a fear that if I am writing the book, I am not working on my business. I've been working through that and changing my beliefs based on all your work.

Yesterday I wrote my book, and as I was writing it again this morning Β£30 came through as a gift from somebody... I don't know who they are. It was as if the Universe was saying, 'Follow Your Desires, We've Got You!' I am so happy. Thank you!


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Release and Reclaim

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