A Sunday Ramble: Blue Cheeseburgers, Inner Healing, and Spain

Hi there! Michelle here. I was reflecting on the distinction between self-protecting patterns and self-sabotaging patterns. For a long time, I saw certain behaviors and tendencies as self-sabotaging, like perfectionism, neglecting ones’s own needs, always expecting the worst, and not trusting oneself. However, I had a shift in perspective after attending an event hosted by Mastin Kipp, author of Claim Your Power.

Mastin taught me that these patterns are not necessarily self-sabotage, but rather a way of self-protection. There's a wounded and scared part of us that these patterns aim to safeguard.

When we recognize these patterns as stemming from a place of protection, we can address them with compassion and care. Rather than striving to “fix ourselves,” we can focus on healing the underlying pain and neglect. This shift changed the way I approach personal growth and became a pillar teaching in my programs and the conversations on this podcast.

Also, I’m introducing a fun, new way to end my podcast episodes. I’m going to conclude each episode with something I’m loving lately - a random delight. Enjoy!


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Action Suggestion

Reflect on your own self-protective patterns. Consider how these patterns are rooted in past hurts and fears, and shift your focus from trying to fix the symptoms and instead work on addressing the root cause through self-love and inner healing.



Please note: This transcript is auto-generated and may have spelling/grammar errors.

Hey. Hey. Michelle here with the Magic Is You podcast. I just wanted to pop in, say hi, ramble ramble a little bit. We just came back from a vacation in Spain. It was beautiful. It reminded me a lot of southern France because of the kind of bright and airy vibes and the white villages and the orange trees everywhere. It was very Mediterranean.

So we had a good time. And today, we also had a good time. We took the kids to go play mini golf and strolled around to a little cafe and took the train up to a park that the kids like, and then I got a coffee. And my husband took the kids down on the train, and I walked down by myself and just enjoyed my coffee as I was walking down. Just a really good Sunday. And now I'm getting ready to go to the gym, but I wanted to share a thought I had about patterns. And oh, hold on. My computer's gonna die.

Let me plug her in. So I was thinking about how the distinction between self protecting patterns and self sabotaging patterns was such a huge thing for me because I used to think of of patterns, like, these things that we do that sabotage ourselves, like perfectionism, putting yourself last, always assuming the worst, not trusting yourself. I used to think of these things as self self sabotaging patterns. And I learned from Mastin Kipp in 2020 that we're not sabotaging ourselves. We're protecting ourselves. So the sabotage part is the the byproduct, the effect. And the root of the pattern is protection. And it was Mastin who taught me that, well, it was from Mastin that I gleaned that the approach changes when you shift your when you shift your focus from how do I stop sabotaging myself to instead looking at, oh, I'm protecting myself.

There's a part of me that is afraid and hurt. So instead of thinking, how do I stop sabotaging myself, which takes your attention off of that scared, hurt, wounded inner child within you, when you start to think of, okay, this is about this pattern is coming from this self protective wounded place, you start to think of it in terms of how can I heal? How can I show that part of myself that I have my back now? I'm here as the adult. I can take care of us. I can I can, basically, I'm the adult? I can I can take I can take charge? I can have my own back, and that's what our inner child needs to know. It's like, are you going to take care of me, or do I need to protect myself with this pattern that used to serve a role when once upon a time the pattern was put in place. But as an adult, it just becomes a very limiting self sabotaging thing. And yet and yet if we just see it as this sabotaging thing that we're doing to ourselves, we never access we never get to that place of really unraveling it, because we're trying to fix the byproduct, trying to do something about the the the, the symptoms instead of going after the root. The symptom is Sabotage.

The root is there's a hurt inner child who needs to know that she's safe now. And that was such a powerful distinction. It informed the approach I took to my own personal growth. It became something I taught within my own programs. It's something I talk about on this podcast is it's so powerful to stop thinking in terms of how do I fix this? How do I stop doing this? And instead, look at what needs to be healed? What needs you to show more love to yourself? Where is the neglect? Where is the the pain? Where is the suppression? And how can you address and heal that through loving yourself more? So the the old paradigm was all about how can I push myself to get this done? And the paradigm that I started to learn was how can I love myself more to heal the part of me that is putting up all this resistance, that is creating all of these Sabotades? And that completely changed the game. So I wanted to share that because it was just something I was thinking of. I always think about, the deeper levels to personal growth and business. I like to look at what's underneath the surface and share it with you guys.

And I was thinking of something fun to start doing with this podcast, and I might as well start doing it now. At the end of every episode, I want to just share something random that I'm loving. So let's do that now. I am absolutely loving blue cheeseburgers. I first had a blue cheeseburger, like, years years ago from someone I knew who started her own restaurant, And it was back when I was actually hosting a radio show. And she came in to share her business, her restaurant, and she brought these boxes with food, and one of them contained a blue cheeseburger. And I remember just eating that and just I wasn't able I wasn't able to even talk anymore. I was just going, this is so good into the microphone.

And we had so many people call in asking, what are you eating? Where can I get it? Because it was just so clear that we were in ecstasy over the the this food. And so, for some reason, the last couple of days, I was just like, you know what? I want to eat a blue cheeseburger. So I made, I made a batch 2 nights ago, and I already finished it all. Like, 2 pounds of ground beef, and I already finished it all. But you can look it up online, just find a recipe. That's what I did. Just found something random. But what I did was I sauteed some red onions, and then in a bowl, I mixed together the red onions, the ground beef, cumin, paprika, garlic powder, garlic paste, salt, pepper, just all kinds of seasonings.

I just I don't measure anything. I just throw it in the bowl. And then crumbled in the blue cheese. I toasted a slice of bread because I didn't have any breadcrumbs, toasted that in the oven and then and then smooshed it up into breadcrumbs and then combined that with a couple of eggs in the mixture. And I think I had, like, some sort of chili paste that I threw in there. I threw in some soy sauce. Mixed it all up. It came out so good.

I just I just turned it into patties and put it in the oven, and it came out so, so good. So that is my random thing that I'm loving right now, and, that's something I wanna do for the podcast. It's just at the end of the episodes. There's something I'm loving. So go and make yourself some blue cheeseburgers. Alright. That's it. I will talk to you later.

Thank you so much for listening to the Magic Issue podcast. I will see you again next time.


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