A show for creative entrepreneurs who don’t want to niche down, focus on one thing, or solve other people’s problems. Instead, be the fullest expression of you, follow your desires, and take 100% responsibility for your own life.

“Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” - Thurman

The Magic is You Podcast Michelle Rohr The Magic is You Podcast Michelle Rohr

The Power of Identifying Your 12 Favorite Problems

Life is often a series of questions and dilemmas, but what if we could turn those problems into opportunities for growth and empowerment? In this episode, inspired by a concept from Tiago Forte’s book, Building a Second Brain, we’ll explore the idea of identifying and working on your "12 Favorite Problems"—those that truly matter to you and align with the life you desire.

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