How this Wheel of Life Assessment Tool is Changing My Life
I've been deep in a season of inner work, and it has led to some amazing insights. At the beginning of this year, I created a Wheel of Life assessment as part of a 30-day adventure, and it has truly transformed the way I view and balance the different areas of my life.
If you're interested in diving into this transformative practice, I've created printable Wheel of Life worksheets that you can access in the link below. Stay tuned as I work on sharing more tools and resources to support your journey. 🥰
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Michelle Rohr [00:00:04]:
Welcome to the Magic is You podcast where we talk all about being the fullest expression of you and making the journey just as beautiful, if not more so, than the destination. It's time to say yes to desire. It's time to turn up your magic. The most powerful version of you is the fullest expression of you. Hello. Hello. Michelle here with the Magic IS You podcast. I just wanted to pop in and say hello.
Michelle Rohr [00:00:39]:
I have been not appearing as often on the podcast. I've just been deep in a season of inner work, and I think that's what I wanna talk a little bit about today. I started off the year with a challenge or 30 day adventure I did with the community called Emerge, and it was a journal that I created with a lot of deep introspective questions that just really resonated for me personally, and that's how I create everything. I just really make it for myself and then share the result with with other people. But one of the things I that I did in that journal was I built out a wheel of life assessment. So you know how there's that wheel of life. That's all the different areas, your health, your career, your finances, your relationships, and you kind of rate where you are on each area and see how balanced or imbalanced your circle is and you know where where you need to work on. So I made that, but I had a whole I had a whole assessment where you answered all of these different questions for each area.
Michelle Rohr [00:02:00]:
And then you could really see where you are, you know, numbers wise. Like, maybe you scored 5 in health and 2 in relationships and 10 in money, and then you could turn that into an actual tangible view in the wheel of life diagram. So all that to say, I've been very wheel of life oriented this year. I've carried on with that energy of just really paying attention to all the areas of my life, and that has looked like a few different things. I have may continue to make different tools for myself to be able to assess my life as simply simple and easy as possible. One of the ways that I'm doing that is I have in Notion this one page view of all the areas of my life, and I've just mapped it out so that I'm opening it right now so that I can kinda read it to you. I've mapped this out so that I'm asking myself specific questions for each area, and I'm identifying my weak spots, my strengths, my goals, my values for every single area. So let me just give you what's in one of the columns.
Michelle Rohr [00:03:42]:
So for each area of my life, I'm asking myself questions like, who is my mentor in this area? What strength am I proud of? What weakness do I need to address? What is my goal for the year for this area? If reaching this goal was easy, what would that look like? What are my values around that area? What tools and resources am I using to help me in this area? What do I need to let go of? What books am I reading for this area? What needs to be improved? What needs to heal? Where do I tend to waste money in this area? Where do I tend to save money? What courses am I taking to support me in this area? I'm I keep saying in this area because I want you to know that I'm asking myself this question for each area of life and the area each question for each area. So it's a big map, but it fits all on one page. And it's the areas are personal finance, business, health, personal care, personal growth, relationships, household, recreational, spiritual. And, the last question I have in here is, what does it look like to be productive in this area. So I just really love this journey I'm on with this wheel of life focus. I think I'll keep building out these tools and share them with the community as they become more fine tuned. But if you're interested in that assessment that I was talking about earlier, I did create a printable version of just the wheel of life worksheets that you can get, and I will in the description. And that's pretty much it.
Michelle Rohr [00:05:57]:
I just wanted to come on, share what's been going on in my life lately. Just a lot of deep inner work, a lot of journaling, a lot of reading, a lot of just realizing that I this is my year of really focusing on myself more than ever before and slowing down. And one of the things I've been doing is looking at what are the things in my life that feel more difficult than they necessarily need to be. Like, what are my pain points? What are my areas of neglect? And just really clearing out anything that could possibly be distracting me, because it's so easy to distract ourselves so that we can keep neglecting ourselves, so that we can keep putting ourselves to last because that's a very familiar place to be for many of us, especially as women. And the one quote that I keep thinking about is a dysregulated nervous system will choose will choose a familiar hell over an unfamiliar heaven. So I guess that's what I'm really honing in on this year is making it safe to choose the unfamiliar heaven. And that is what my wheel of life is helping me do. That is what all my journaling and reading is helping me do.
Michelle Rohr [00:07:28]:
I'll try to come on soon and talk more about it in the near future. But in the meantime, if you want to kinda dive into all of this, click on the link in the description to check out the wheel of life worksheets and the light the the whole map that I've been building out in Notion. I really want to finish that next and get that out for people to use as well. So just stay tuned for that, and thank you for listening. Thank you for listening to the Magic IS You podcast. If you would like to join our newsletter, click here.