The Power of Identifying Your 12 Favorite Problems

Life is often a series of questions and dilemmas, but what if we could turn those problems into opportunities for growth and empowerment? In this episode, inspired by a concept from Tiago Forte’s book, Building a Second Brain, we’ll explore the idea of identifying and working on your "12 Favorite Problems"—those that truly matter to you and align with the life you desire.

5 action steps for finding your 12 favorite problems

  1. Identify What Truly Matters: Take time to discern the problems you genuinely care about solving. Make a list of your 12 favorite problems (Notion template here), focusing on those that align with your personal values and desires, rather than societal expectations.

  2. Focus on Personal Growth: Prioritize solving your own problems and personal growth over trying to cater to an audience or external expectations. This involves understanding your needs and desires to cultivate a strong self-identity and self-awareness.

  3. Separate Money from Solutions: Challenge yourself to find solutions to your problems that don't rely on financial means. This can push you toward personal development, such as creating boundaries or engaging in inner work, to address underlying issues instead of using money as a temporary bandaid.

  4. Transform Problems into Opportunities: Use the process of solving your own problems as a foundation for creating business opportunities. Develop products or services based on solutions you've successfully implemented in your own life. This also ensures that your offerings are coming from a place of authenticity and personal experience.

  5. Engage in Inner Work: Dedicate effort to healing trauma, conducting shadow work, and developing self-awareness. This inner work can yield high returns on investment for both personal fulfillment and business success.

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