What If No One Buys My Stuff?
In this episode, I talk about what's behind the process of upgrading to more powerful beliefs. It's true that our beliefs create our results and reality. Often we go straight into just ticking off more to-do boxes without stopping to change the belief we are carrying around. Some of the things we believe about ourselves are downright lies. Shedding those lies is a critical (and often painful) part of the process of being who we REALLY are. When we step into who we REALLY are, we are able to hold space for more POWERFUL beliefs in order to more effortlessly create more results.
✏️ Action Step Suggestion
Challenge Your Beliefs & Embody Your True Self
Start by examining your beliefs about the success of your product. Recognize that limiting beliefs can keep you stuck and impact your income. Practice intentionally challenging your limiting beliefs. For example, if you believe that only a certain number of people will buy your product, intentionally switch that belief to one that says there are millions of potential customers out there.
Focus on being the fullest expression of yourself. This requires letting go of lies, stories, and identities that aren't serving you. Find ways to authentically express who you are, whether through podcasts, courses, or other platforms. Allow your products to rise to the level of your authenticity. Understand that by authentically being yourself, you can attract people who resonate with the TRUE YOU. This allows your business to grow and your products to sell as a natural byproduct of being true to yourself.